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Canvas Printing News

Canvas Effects

Canvas Effects

Tuesday 14th April 2015

There are many ways you can alter and improve a room simply by using imagery. Sometimes the most simple edit can create the most effective impact. When you upload your image to us we have a variety of extra affects that you can apply to your image

Black & white
If you have quite a busy room, one that is already full of bright colours, or you simply enjoy the minimal effect, black and white pictures could certainly be your answer. They also look clean and effective on white wall too.

Looking to move away from the naturalist, photography look? Give your image something different with this unique effect. Perhaps a fun idea for a kids room.

Go antique with this hipster look. This effect instantly create a more artistic feel. You'll probably find that this effect will benefit a more clean and simple photo or picture.

Certainly a more out there filter effect. Using this will certainly cause heads to turn and would be perfect for more solid coloured wall, adding something a little bit funky.

If your original image is a little to dark and unclear this can really help bring out the extra detail that otherwise might get lost. Again would probably look best against a more bold coloured wall or background so it doesn't feel too washed out.

The opposite to bright. Shocking news right? But seriously will work well in the opposite ways to above so worth trying out. You can see examples of your image with the effect before buying so it's always good to check.

Give your image a more artistic look exposing some of it's depth and just giving it a little something extra but still keeping it subtle. So perfect if you're looking to give your image a little boost without being too obvious.

Of course some images require no filter to make them any more wonderful but whatever your look we have a canvas for you. Plus take advantage of our superb offer on right now with 50% off all canvases and FREE delivery!

What are you waiting for? Upload your image now