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Extra Large Canvas Prints

XL Canvas Prints

Looking to make a bold statement? A personalised extra-large canvas makes a big impact and works as a great talking point. Here at Canprint, we are the UK's leading oversized canvas print specialist. We turn your photos into extra-large canvas prints to dramatically enhance your home or business walls.

What is the largest canvas print I can get?
We supply canvases of virtually any size. If you can imagine it, we can create it. Our large canvas prints come with 40 mm thick solid redwood frames which are completely bespoke, handmade, jointed and very strong.

Customising oversized canvas prints
It's quick and easy to customise your canvas print with us. Simply upload your photo, select the size you'd like then choose the edge style. Edging options include; wrap with colour, gallery wrap or just continue the stretch around the edges. Transform the look of your rooms with a stand out centrepiece by using your own pictures to canvas
Please note due to the weight and size issues with couriers mini canvas are unavailable on any canvas over 130 cm [51inches}

Size Guide