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Canvas Printing News

Capturing the Perfect Sunset for Canvas

Capturing the Perfect Sunset for Canvas

Tuesday 8th July 2014

Sunsets are nature's spectacular free light-shows, performing daily. With the great weather over the summer, why not take full advantage and practise you photography skill to get a wonderful sunset for canvas!


Sometimes you can just get lucky; you'll stumble upon that perfect shot, with effort whilst walking the dog. But it won't always work out so easily, sometimes a little thought and preparation can go a long way in photography.

Think about your location ahead of time, maybe you've passed by somewhere great in the past and remember a spectacular sunset, so back and go prepared.
A tripod is a great accomplice of you have access one. It will keep the camera steady for the shot and help with the focus in the low lighting.

But no matter what camera you own or equipment you have access to, it's always possible to take a great picture with a little preparation and a sprinkling of patience.


Get your location with plenty of time to prepare and set up your shot, you don't want to miss out on any opportunities. Know ahead where the sun will be setting. Have some patience and take lots of pictures throughout, you can narrow them down later in terms of quality. Also wait around for a while after, you never know what you might miss!

Shadows and silhouettes

Think about the landscape of your chosen location and use it to its every advantage. Think about trees and mountain, any monuments. Like any photo, it will benefit from a point of interest. Mountain ranges and landmarks such as castles make for great dramatic effect against the backdrop of a beautiful sunset.


Another technique to take your pictures to the next level is using reflections for example in natural water sources such as lakes and rivers, but you can't beat an ocean view either. The light bouncing off the surface can look truly magical, and like little pools of melted gold as well.

So there you have some of our top tips to get a fantastic sunset photo to be transferred for canvas, happy snapping everyone!