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Getting The Purrrfect Pet Pawtrait For Canvas

Getting The Purrrfect Pet Pawtrait For Canvas

Friday 28th March 2014

We are a nation of pet lovers, 1 in every 2 UK household owns a pet, and why not? They love unconditionally and don't talk back (well most of the time). Whether it's for a gift or your own home, pet portraits are a must.

So here are some tips to get that perfect shot of your four legged friend ready for canvas. You need to think about what type of picture you want to create, think about their personality. You'll want this to shine through the photo.

Playtime: Many pets love to play, so use it to your advantage. Break out the toys and mess around with them, these always make for great shots as long as you can keep them in focus. Get a helping hand from a friend or family member, so you can concentrate on capturing the moment

Get out on location: Great for if you have a more active pet; it's a chance for some great action shots. Most dogs are pretty bonkers and love nothing more that to feel their ears flying in the breeze. Let them romp about the country and catch them at their most natural. It will also make for some great backgrounds and create the sense of movement, which will only help in allowing their personality to shine through.

Coaxing: Just like humans some animals are naturally more subdued and sometimes shy, this includes for the camera. The best way to approach this can be catching them unaware. Wait until they are off distracting themselves and this way you'll catch them in a relaxed and more natural state, which makes for a far better photo than one of a forced nature.

I'm Fabulous: Then you have the opposite of the above, the doggy divas and the big cats of the world. They just love the spotlight and relish any attention. This personality trait goes a long way when looking for that perfect pet portrait. It also helps if you're new to photography as it will be easier to catch those poses, so take full advantage of working with that Cat Moss and Claudia Sniffer.

If all else fails, there's nothing wrong with good old fashioned bribery. In fact I'd encourage it. A celebrity photo shoot can be hard work, but someone's got to do it and they need payment somehow, and a few scraps of chicken are a lot cheaper than getting out the cheque book.

So there you have a few tips on getting a great pet portrait ready for canvas. In line with this, check out our Facebook competition. We want you to send us your best pet snaps. The winner will receive their pet on a 24x16 Canvas FREE of charge! So get camera happy now!