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Canvas Printing News

The Perfect Gift For Mothers Day

The Perfect Gift For Mothers Day

Thursday 6th March 2014

Sunday, 30th March is Mothering Sunday and it's time we started thinking about showing those special women in our life how much we appreciate them.

Where do you start?

Let's face it, if you asked her you'd get the reply of, "oh nothing dear, you as a son/daughter is just enough for me." LIES! If you listened to that and didn't even so much as pull together a card, there would be trouble. Also the worst kind of trouble, the silent, I'm not angry, just disappointed type of trouble.

Now mum's work incredibly hard and they don't get that much appreciation on a daily basis. That's really all they want. You could go with the classics, chocolates and flowers, the ladies love that stuff. Yes they do, to some extent. However it also reads, I have completely forgotten about his until now, let's grab what I can and put extra kisses on the note. Mothers are wise creatures; they know all the tricks in the book.

The best presents are one's you've actually put some thought into, ones that have a scrap of sentimentality, something personal to her. Why not surprise her with a custom-made canvas print?

It's a gift that with just a little thought can become a great gift. You could choose a special moment between you and she caught on camera, a family portrait, a picture of her favourite place or even the family's four legged friend. Unlike flowers it won't wilt pathetically after a week, and unlike chocolates it won't get eaten by half the family instead (well I hope not, unless you're a family of mice...).

Whatever picture you choose, she's bound to love the sentimentality and thought that you've gone into making her smile. But wait, it gets even better. For our own little Mothers day gesture we'll also be giving you 20% off your chosen canvas so you can treat that lady that really matters.