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Tips for Photographing your pet

Tips for Photographing your pet

We often struggle to take good photo's of our pets, this is because they almost never do what you expect like making them look at you or sit still etc etc.
Here are a few tips to help you.
1 Set your camera to manual mode, auto focus, continuous shoot mode or burst and remember to check the light setting to ensure the picture is not over or under exposed.
2 If you just want a sharp shot of your pet set to centre weighted and use a telephoto lens, [to blur out the background if required set your f stop to f5.6 or lower.]
3 Focus on your pets eyes if possible.
4Have someone stand behind you with a toy and hold it above you, this will make your pet look your way.
5 take the shot and as your camera is in burst mode you are bound to find one picture that takes your fancy.
You will then have a perfectly exposed photo of your pet.
To have your picture made into a stunning print or a canvas just upload your images to a reputable company such as www.canvasprintingonline.co.uk